Our house is a little over 2,000 square ft with 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. I've included several pictures below of the house when we purchased it.
Living Room:

Dining Room:

Pitiful Kitchen:

Downstairs Bathroom:

Guest Bedroom/Office 1:

Guest Bedroom 2:

Master Bedroom:

Upstairs Bath:

So there it is ladies and gentlemen! Our first house. Although some of the floors look like they are in good condition from these pictures, they all needed refinishing. We recently had them refinished and I will post some pictures in my next entry. Also, Stuart (my fiance) and Hunter (my brother) have begun to strip/sand/paint/stain our banister, stairs, and spindles. Will also post pictures of that process!
The renovation is going to be quite an adventure, as Stuart nor I have any real experience with this sort of thing. However, we are eager to learn and love our old house!
This looks like a great house. Glad you're re-doing the floors...but I wouldn't touch the wallpaper! :)