Sunday, March 27, 2011

Can It Be?

Oh but it IS--back to back blog posts, just when you thought I would never do it. I've been working on our master bedroom since November. We've dewallpapered, primed, painted, hung crown molding, bought a new bedspread, and a dresser. I haven't blogged about it yet though because I have 2 more darned window panes to tape off and paint and I just can't bring myself to reveal an unfinished project. However, I can reveal some lamps that I've been working on for the room. I bought a pair of lamps at Habitat one weekend back in December. Didn't know what I was going to do with them, but couldn't pass up a matching pair of lamps for a grand total of $3 (that's right, $1.50 each). They didn't come with shades, which is just as well because the shades usually aren't all that great. I wanted drum shades, so after some searching I purchased a pair at Target for $7.99 each. Here is a picture of the before:

Not terrible horrible, but could definitely look better. I bought some white spray paint to give the bases some new life. I chose a white with some sheen to match our molding. I taped off the parts of the lamp that I didn't want to be painted (and I swear these lamps were $1.50 each, despite the $3.00 mark--it was 50% off day at Habitat).

After painting the bases, I used a hot glue gun to cover the shades in a fabric that I had from another project (see previous blog here
for more on covering shades). I wanted to add a trim along the top and bottom, but didn't want to go out and buy anything. We had some pretty ribbon from Pottery Barn leftover from wedding gifts and it matched the shades really well. It was a little wrinkled, so I pulled out my iron:

And got to gluing. Here is the final product--a project that cost me $20 and 2 hours.

Notice sneak peek of our new duvet in background! And some closer pictures:

Also see those blasted window panes that I've been ranting about...

And a shot with the lamps turned on:

'Tis all for now as far as master bedroom updates go. My brother is spending the night with us on Wednesday and I may or may not have bartered me cutting his hair for him painting the hallway downstairs!


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