***Housekeeping Note: I didn't post yesterday because I feel like if there is a day that folks are away from their computer, it's Saturday. And I want to reach as many readers as possible! So I'm going to double up on a weekday with two posts, and will probably do this (skip Saturdays, double up on a weekday) for the rest of the 31 Days of Blogging series.***
I love neutral lamps. Love 'em. Neutral base + neutral shade = can go in any room and look understatedly beautiful/let other pieces take center stage while providing a pretty backdrop. Kind of like a supporting actor, if you will.

Know what I mean? So when I came across this lamp at Homegoods over the holidays for $49.99, I wasn't even sure what room I would put it in but snagged it and knew it could go anywhere.
After walking around our house, I decided to put it on my dresser in our bedroom. See, I had a little skimpy Ikea lamp that I've had for years on the dresser and thought it was high time for something bigger and prettier (sorry Ikea lamp).

Know what I mean? So when I came across this lamp at Homegoods over the holidays for $49.99, I wasn't even sure what room I would put it in but snagged it and knew it could go anywhere.
And want to know the coolest thing about this lamp? The top is corked, so you can take it off and put things in the base of the lamp if you want to jazz things up.
I filled it with some evergreen clippings for now, but not going to lie, I'm pretty excited about changing it out for the seasons and holidays. I can already imagine some ornaments in corky next year for Christmas.
It's very Pottery Barn-esque, no? Minus the $169 starting pricetag, of course.
Welcome to our home, you pretty lamp, you.
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