In case you missed the first Where Are They Now? post, we're revisiting some of the rooms in our house to see where they are now, as well as peaking into some never-before-seen nooks and crannies. In the spotlight today is our full bathroom which is on the second floor and is the only full bath we have. It's pretty large for a home this old, but needs a lot of work...just see for yourself.
I believe the only other time I've posted about it was in a post on removing all the wallpaper in our home. The picture above was taken nearly 3 years ago (we bought our home in April 2010) and since then we have obviously removed the wallpaper, but have done pretty much nothing else in this bathroom.
Here it is today and looks pretty much the exact same as it did in the previous post...yikes. The flooring is linoleum with hardwood underneath--I'd like to rip it up and then paint the hardwoods, like so:

This bathroom still has its original marble sink, which I love, but I'm not so in love with the stains on the marble and the exposed sink pipes below. I'm thinking we may opt for something like this, that has a marble top with storage cabinets below (I also love pretty much everything else going on in this picture):

Wouldn't that look a million times better than what we're currently working with? Below the chair railing is tile and you can see it in the picture above--it's all the way around the perimeter of the bathroom. That's going to be fun to take out! In place of it we'd like to install plank walls, like this:

I do love the original built-in medicine cabinet above the sink--we'll keep that just like we did in our downstairs 1/2 bath, but give it a good sanding and painting.
Here's a shot at the inside--it holds a lot!
One thing we will definitely not be keeping is the lighting in here. The light in the picture above sits just over the medicine cabinet and has to be manually switched on (see the switch sticking out on the bottom of the light?).
The other light is a ceiling fixture that has definitely seen better days...well, I don't know...can a light that looks like this have ever seen any good days? At least it is controlled by a switch on the wall, so that's one less thing our electrician will have to install when we overhaul the electric in here.
And here is a never before seen peak into our shower. More white tile like what is on the walls of the bathroom. It will all come out and when we replace it I'd like to extend it all the way up to the ceiling (right now it only extends to about 7').
And of course we will replace that tiny shower head + all the other fixtures in the shower. Can't wait to take out that enormous diagonal bar there!

We'd like to replace the current tile with a subway tile. I would LOVE to do a marble subway tile for the whole shower, but we'll probably end up going with a white subway tile accented with marble (like in the picture above) to cut costs.
And here is a glance back towards the bathroom door. I got that little towel caddy from One King's Lane and it is here to stay!
I had to show you this ridiculousness--whenever guests use this bathroom they can never find the toilet paper! Who in the world thought it a good idea to hang the toilet paper above the toilet user's head??
Here is another never been seen area of the bathroom--our linen closet.
I love having so much storage space in the bathroom, but we have really junked it up with all our stuff. Every single closet in our house has interior beadboard, which I love. That will stay, but we will rip out all of the shelving and install a new storage system.
A glance at the other side--and yes, that is a litter box in the bottom left of the picture! Our cat is mainly outdoor so she seldom uses it, but we do leave her inside sometimes when we are away for the weekend so there's really no getting around having one. I'd like to find some way to enclose it with a little opening for her to access it--we'll see!
So there you have it, all the nooks and crannies of our bathroom. This is the next big project on our list, so be on the lookout for a demolition post (hopefully) in the near future!
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